Sunday 25 May 2014

10 Tips To Learn American Sign Language

Learning American sign language is the prerequisite for every person having any sort of hearing impairment to make communication with deaf community. As there exists a big community interested in learning American Sign Language in Dubai, many communication centers are providing best speech and communication therapies, of which beginners classes for American Sign Language are also offered.

Thursday 1 May 2014

5 Common Mistakes Parents Make For Speech Therapy

Speech and language therapy for children must be started as soon as the communication disorders are observed. Witty parents do not wait long to treat speech impediments in their children. Many parents come across with several speech and language disorder in children that can be caused by many factors. So, they end up wondering how to help their kids.

Parents are not even sure to get private speech therapy for children in Dubai. They are not sure to consider any speech and language pathologist (SLP) or to involve a therapist for speech therapy. Some parents start therapy lessons at home to overcome communication barrier of their children. Sometimes, unfortunately some mistakes are done by parents. Here are enlisted 5 common mistakes parents make for speech and language therapy of their children in Dubai.
  1. Starting Too Late
Starting private speech therapy in Dubai earlier can be very effective for child as neuroscientists call it plasticity of a child’s brain. In newborns, communication disorders are not easy to diagnose but toddlers can be predicted for any speech delay. Parents do not realize if their child is not that perfect as they have idealized. So they make it too late to accept that their child needs help.

    2. Trying Your Own Methods

Some parents work harder for private speech and language therapy of their child. But after few months they do not observe any improvement. One of the common speech and language therapy mistakes parents make is trying to do the therapy their own. They invent their own training methods, and even after six months no progress is seen. They have wasted half a year that could be used by expert SLP to treat the disorder.

  3. Not Following Proper Program

For busy parents, the common mistake is to not attend your child at home. If the child is school going, there are offered school-based speech therapy lessons. But parents do not join therapy lessons and are never serious about it. They have no time to review individualized education plan (IEP) of their child. They never follow a proper program for their speech and language therapy in Dubai.

   4. Less Knowledge

Less knowledge is always dangerous. Knowing less about communication disorders and the therapies to overcome is not going to work for child who needs attention. Parents need to equip themselves with latest information and researches done on speech therapy methods. Internet, library, books and newspaper articles are a good source to keep yourself updated with latest information.

  5. Help From Non-Professionals

Speech and language therapy of a child worsens by seeking help from non-professionals who know nothing about speech impediments. Seeking help from the people other than your child’s therapist also result in no improvement. Doctors and physicians are not the right people to take your child for speech and language therapy because it is not their expertise to treat his communication barrier or to give you opinion.

Many parents make these recurring mistakes and instead of helping their child, they make the situation unfavorable for their good speech and language development. Kalimati Speech & Communication Center in Dubai has a team of talented pathologists to train parents for speech and language therapy of children in Dubai.

Stuttering - How Parents Can Cure Stuttering At Home

Stuttering or stammering is a common speech disorder that affects fluency of speech and communication of growing kids and can persist into adulthood. It involves repetition or prolongation of sounds, words or syllables and stopping during speech or some silent pauses while talking. A stuttering child has difficulty in saying what he wants to say and there are some facial and physical expressions associated with it.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Causes of Speech and Language Delay in Children

Some children are not early talkers as they may not produce sounds and number of words like other children of their age. It may be alarming for parents to look if their child is having speech or language delay or disorder to be treated.
There are specific communication milestones for normal speech and language development in children as they reach certain age. A child, who has missed some of these speech and language development milestones, may be considered to have speech and language delay that is treated by language and speech therapy in Dubai.

Types of Speech Problems in Children

Speech problem or speech disorder in any child refers to the disruption in proper speech development. It is a type of communication disorder or impediment that is caused by number of reasons. If you notice your child not having proper communication or developing good speech as he grows, he must be having some speech problems.

Types of Hearing Impairment in Children

Hearing impairment or hearing loss is the inability to hear in children which is caused when there is some problem with one or some other parts of ear. A hearing impaired child can partially hear some sounds or nothing at all depending on what type of hearing impairment he is suffering from. The other terms used for hearing impaired children are deaf, or hard of hearing children.

Need For Communication Centers and Speech Therapy In Dubai

Does your child quickly comprehend what you try to communicate or just responds after quite long? Do you think your child is having difficulty with correct sounds? If so, then you must look for his proper and timely speech therapy.

Speech therapy, today, is the best way to make a child communicate by producing words that have been delayed so far. In Dubai, a number of speech therapists are working to treat all sorts of speech and language disorders in children and adults. They evaluate communication problems at a very early stage and treat both of the receptive and expressive disorders to make a person understand and communicate efficiently.