Thursday, 10 April 2014

Causes of Speech and Language Delay in Children

Some children are not early talkers as they may not produce sounds and number of words like other children of their age. It may be alarming for parents to look if their child is having speech or language delay or disorder to be treated.
There are specific communication milestones for normal speech and language development in children as they reach certain age. A child, who has missed some of these speech and language development milestones, may be considered to have speech and language delay that is treated by language and speech therapy in Dubai.

To make sure that such child with speech or language delay receives help on time, it is important to know the warning signs or causes of speech and language delay. There are many variations in speech and language development accompanied with the reasons of speech and language delay in children.

  1. Developmental Delay

It may cause a child to speak late than his age fellows and may be diagnosed when a child does not reach his developmental milestones. The developmental delay in a child is caused by many reasons such as genetic causes like Down syndrome, hearing loss due to ear infections, lead poisoning by toys or jewellery or pregnancy complications such as prematurity or infection.

  2. Autism

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex neural development disorder that affects social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication development of a child. An autistic child has difficulty in motor coordination that affects information processing in brain. Refer here for more detail

  3. Prematurity

Preterm birth of a child of less than 37 weeks gestational age has some complications that include impediments in mental development that also causes speech and language delay in children.

  4. Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) affects muscles, body movement, and motor skills of a child. It causes brain damage that brings health issues like hearing or speech problems, and learning disabilities in a child. Read for more information

  5. Deafness

Deafness is one of the main reasons of speech and language delay in children. It causes communication disorder that is treated by using sign language. It is the inability to hear due to ear infection, disease or physical trauma.

  6. Language Disorder

It affects normal language development in a child. The delay may be due to receptive or expressive language disorder. A child with receptive language disorder does not understand other person’s speech and the child with expressive language disorder understands what a person is speaking but cannot respond likewise.

Speech and language delay is very common in children but to clarify the reason on time helps children to develop good communication skills. Communication centers like Kalimati Communication and Speech Center provides language and speech therapy in Dubai to deal with different causes of speech and language delay in children.

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